Returning to the reading world

Hi awesome bookworms.

I am guilty. Of what you may ask? Well if the title of this post didn´t reveal it already I was in a huge reading slump for the past few months.

It was a strange period to be honest. I always loved books so this bothers me a lot. I am a person who has a lot of interests and I have a hard time of organizing my time. If I wanted to fit all of my interest in one day, plus socialize, plus work etc the time of the day I have wouldn´t be enough.

So I am trying to figure things out. I am working on a calendar, like a schedule of some sort to try and focus on a few things a day. I don´t even know if it will work but I have to try something. Does anyone else have the same problems? If yes, how did you fix it?

On another note, I am currently reading The Handmade´s Tale. I have heard a lot of things about this book and a friend gave it to me to read it. It is somewhat interesting for now but we will see as I read more.

Anyhow, I will work harder on being here on the blog, reading and reviewing so I hope to write soon 🙂

Have a great weekend everyone!